
What Makes a Successful Character Education Curriculum
I don’t think anyone sets out to do or create anything without the goal of success.
And that’s why it was my mission to create a successful character education curriculum. I had completely exposed myself and felt completely vulnerable…

Improve Literacy with ELA Higher Learning Standards (Even if You Hate Them)
I was shocked by the immediate interest of students in reading my first book, Life After Birth: A Memoir of Survival and Success as a Teenage Mother.
Then I learned teachers were actually using it to help students improve literacy.

Reading and Real Life- The Journey to the Literacy, Life Skills, and Character Education Curriculum
When I published my first book, Life After Birth- A Memoir of Survival and Success as a Teenage Mother
I had no idea the impact it would have on students and adults. I was just telling my story. And I had no idea that people all over the world…