Kenneth Burnett
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Physically and Mentally Fit: Kenneth Burnett’s S.O. What! Success Story

When I held the 2nd Annual Love Yourself Event, I started to include speakers on wellness and fitness. That’s when I met Kenneth Burnett, who has been supporting the S.O. What! Foundation and the Love Yourself Event ever since. However,…
Shelia Chatman
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Empowering Minds with Resilience: Shelia Chatman S.O. What! Success Story

Have you ever experienced someone else making you see that you have something amazing. Something that can impact thousands of lives in so many ways. I met Shelia Chatman when she asked to meet with me after discovering my first book, Life…
Ricky Floyd
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From Poverty to Pastor to Prosperity: Ricky Floyd S.O. What! Success Story

So many blessings came from my experience at my first career job which was with the Memphis Grizzlies.  There was a group of us hired as temporary sales reps whose job was to get as many season ticket and group sales for the team as possible…
Mahal Burr
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Overcoming Odds: Mahal Burr’s S.O. What! Success Story

You never know what the next person has gone through, overcome, or still dealing with.  Last year I had the incredible opportunity to host the Women of Achievement awards. As a 2012 Heroism honoree, I had been introduced to a beautiful sisterhood…
CEO Summer Owens

CEO Summer Owens Still Sounds Weird

I've been a full-time entrepreneur for over a decade (a boss all my life ), but it still feels weird seeing CEO tied to my name. Weird in a special, awesome way. I'm grateful for this acknowledgement and article about my journey! &nbs…
Antonio Taylor
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Antonio Taylor Resilient Journey from Fatherhood to VP | S.O. What! Success Story

Be the Bag! Don’t chase it! Whew! Powerful words to live by from a man who eats excuses and uses them to make him stronger to help others. Recently, I had the opportunity to give a company-wide keynote and then a leadership training…
Michael Scruggs
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Resilience in Action: Michael Scruggs S.O. What! Success Story

I don’t believe any connection is an accident. Nearly 15 years ago, I met Michael Scruggs through an unlikely mutual connection. Years later, I saw him again at LeBonheur hospital. He was there praying for a child he knew, and I was there…
Monique Williams
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Unleash Potential with Monique Williams: Attorney, Investor, Success Coach

“Most people have the appetite for success but don’t have the stomach for it.” Ouch! Those are just a few of the wise words I’ve heard from my friend, Sylvia Monique Williams. When I started my job as a Senior Marketing Specialist…
City of Memphis Police Chief CJ Davis and Summer Owens at the Women of Achievement Awards
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Celebrating Powerful Women: Inspiring Stories of Strength and Resilience

In 2012, I was introduced to a sisterhood that opened my eyes to the incredible power of women. Throughout history, women have displayed remarkable strength and resilience, shaping the world we live in today. From trailblazers who challenge…