25 Life Takeaways from My 25th Anniversary Class Reunion
Last weekend I attended my 25th anniversary class reunion. Even typing 25th anniversary doesn't seem like it could possibly apply to me. It seems like it was just a couple of years ago that we got our green caps and gowns and excitedly walked…

Joshua Cobb: S.O. What! Success Story
Can you imagine one moment walking around doing your job and the next moment you don’t even have your legs?
The unthinkable happened to Joshua Cobb only two weeks after he was standing in my living room.
Just as unbelievable as the…

Tim Ware: S.O. What! Success Story
Find your cheerleader.
That was the closing advice given by the former athlete turned education leader, Tim Ware, in our interview.
When we met over a decade ago, Tim Ware had started a school and today he leads another one just for young…

Bud Richey: S.O. What! Success Story
Bowties. Crawfish. And leadership.
They are all things I immediately think of when I think of Bud Richey.
As a student leader over 20 years ago, I met Bud Richey when he came to the University of Memphis to direct the Emerging Leaders…