Jason Harris
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S.O. What! Success Stories: Jason Harris

As a member of the National Speakers Association, I have met some incredible people. One of the people at the top of that list is Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Jason Harris. A distinguished keynote speaker, best-selling author, and expert…
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S.O. What! Success Stories: Cherisse Scott

Don’t you just love someone who is a fighter for others? And for justice. That’s my girl, Cherisse Scott. We met nearly 15 years ago as part of a collaborative to reduce teen pregnancy called Memphis Teen Vision (MemTV). I have admired,…
Women's History Month
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100 Lessons My Centenarians Grandmas Taught Me

How do you deal with grief? Well, when I lost my girls (both of my grandmothers) five days apart last month, I had to demonstrate what I teach and practice what I preach. I had to say, "S.O. What!" and, "so NOW what?" to focus on ways…
Bertha Rogers Looney in my grandmother's dress
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Embracing Legacy and Resilience: How to Honor Legacy and Foster Resilience Through Symbolic Actions

I'm not sure how I came to the realization of the importance of embracing legacy and resilience, but I have learned to love the power in journies of those who have come before me. Especially, because I am a black woman, I appreciate…
Shelia Chatman
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Empowering Minds with Resilience: Shelia Chatman S.O. What! Success Story

Have you ever experienced someone else making you see that you have something amazing. Something that can impact thousands of lives in so many ways. I met Shelia Chatman when she asked to meet with me after discovering my first book, Life…
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Ignite Resilience with Summer Owens in Women’s History Month

As we bid farewell to the empowering month of Women's History, it's time to shift our focus back to saying S.O. What! That means honing in on solutions over problems and mastering the art of resilience. A Lesson in Resilience: Athens, Georgia…
Women's History Month
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Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders: Reflecting on Women’s History Month and Beyond

As Women's History Month gracefully draws to a close, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the incredible organizations that invited me to celebrate the remarkable women who have made history. It has been a fulfilling journey, and I'm…
Ricky Floyd
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From Poverty to Pastor to Prosperity: Ricky Floyd S.O. What! Success Story

So many blessings came from my experience at my first career job which was with the Memphis Grizzlies.  There was a group of us hired as temporary sales reps whose job was to get as many season ticket and group sales for the team as possible…
Women's History Month
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Celebrate Women’s History Month with Summer Owens: Honoring Living Legends

In just two days, I'll be celebrating the 102nd birthday of a woman who played a crucial role in shaping me. Last year, we threw a whimsical 101 Dalmatians-themed party in her honor, and for her 100th, we went all out with a Roaring 20’s bash…