Netisha Burnett
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Netisha Burnett’s S.O. What! Success Story

When I randomly met Netisha Burnett at a mutual friend’s house, I never would have imagined a few years later that she would play such a major role in my life. After bringing me in to speak when she worked for Girls, Inc., she became my…
expensive lesson no parking

Expensive Lessons- My $1,200 Economy Rental Car

If you know me, then you know I appreciate free. But I think you'll appreciate these expensive lessons I learned on a recent trip with a brand new experience. My first in-person speaking engagement (since COVID) March 8, 2020, I flew home…
Ciara Arrington
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Ciara Arrington S.O. What! Success Story

As an undergraduate soror of mine, Ciara Arrington approached me when I was speaking on campus about my new book. After the program, she asked me about marketing jobs and if I had any advice. I told her to get experience, and I offered to let…
Judge Robert "Butch" Childers
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Judge Robert “Butch” Childers S.O. What! Success Stories

If never judge a book by its cover was a person, it would be Judge Robert "Butch" Childers. I met Butch when I joined the University of Memphis National Alumni Association Board of Directors five years ago. He became the board president the…
Frank Scott
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Mayor Frank Scott S.O. What! Success Story

Have you ever met someone and immediately thought, “He (or she) is going to do something pretty amazing one day.”? Well, as a college student, I met Frank Scott who was also a college student. But his poise and professionalism were different…
Olliette Murry-Drobot
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From Abuse to Advocate. Olliette Murry-Drobot S.O. What! Success Story

Have you ever met someone and immediately felt like you’ve known them for years? When I started on this journey of sharing my story over a decade ago, a friend suggested that I meet Olliette Murry-Drobot. We met for lunch, and we both probably…