Summer Owens Day 4 10th anniversary countdown. Silence the Inner Critic and Overcome Self-Doubt.
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10-DAY 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY COUNTDOWN- DAY 4: Silence the Inner Critic and Overcome Self-Doubt

Although it was over 20 years ago, I vividly remember something the graduate advisor for my sorority said to me at a leadership conference in Orlando, Florida. “Summer, you think too much.” In the moment, I was offended. However, she was…
Summer Owens Day 5 10th anniversary countdown. Surround Yourself with Supportive Relationships.
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10-DAY 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY COUNTDOWN- DAY 5: Surround Yourself with Supportive Relationships

It’s Day 5 in my 10-day countdown to my 10th anniversary of my last day before becoming a full-time speaker and entrepreneur.  Today, we're diving into the importance of surrounding yourself with supportive relationships and building a…
Summer Owens Day 6 10th anniversary countdown. Embrace failure.
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10-DAY 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY COUNTDOWN- DAY 6: Embrace Failure as a Stepping Stone

It’s Day 6 in my 10-day countdown to my 10th anniversary of my last day before becoming a full-time speaker and entrepreneur.  Today, I’m talking about something I’ve experienced way more times than I can count- failure and how to…
Summer Owens S.M.A.R.T. Goals
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10-DAY 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY COUNTDOWN- DAY 7 Goal Setting: Turning Dreams into Reality

It’s Day 7 in my 10-day countdown to my 10th anniversary of my last day before becoming a full-time speaker and entrepreneur.  Today, I’m talking about setting S.M.A.R.T. goals.  Let me take you back to a time when I had big…
Summer Owens self-belief 10-year anniversary countdown
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10-DAY 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY COUNTDOWN- DAY 8: Harness the Power of Self-Belief

Welcome back to our journey towards making your dreams a reality and my 10-day countdown to my 10 year anniversary of my last day in Corporate America. Today, we're diving deep into the power of self-belief.  Let me share a personal…
Summer Owens Cultivate a resilient mindset
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10-DAY 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY COUNTDOWN- DAY 9: Cultivate a Resilient Mindset

Can you imagine what it’s like to go all in (meaning quit your job) and start a business in an industry you just got introduced to. And have the nerve to start a nonprofit because someone you respected told you that you could get grants?  Only…
Summer Owens 10-day 10 year anniversary countdown
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10-Day 10-Year Anniversary Countdown- Day 10: Embrace Your Vision

Have you ever had a dream that you were too afraid to pursue? It’s hard to believe that I am now on a 10 day countdown to 10 years since my last day at my corporate job. 10 years as a full-time speaker and entrepreneur! Was I scared?  Yes,…
Summer Owens birthday celebration in Galveston, Texas
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The Confidence to Go For Your Dreams

Do you ever think back on situations in your life and laugh at yourself about what you were scared to do then? For me it was my late 20's and I refused to wear a swimsuit (and definitely not a bikini).  One of my sisters lived in the Miami…
Summer Owens #44on22 birthday fundraiser
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Happy Birthday to Me #44on22

It's my #44on22 birthday! My 15th birthday changed my life forever. What happened on that day led me to becoming a mother, pregnant by someone I didn't know. Too many youth have been in similar situations or live in constant trauma. But…