Summer Owens Day 4 10th anniversary countdown. Silence the Inner Critic and Overcome Self-Doubt.
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10-DAY 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY COUNTDOWN- DAY 4: Silence the Inner Critic and Overcome Self-Doubt

Although it was over 20 years ago, I vividly remember something the graduate advisor for my sorority said to me at a leadership conference in Orlando, Florida.

“Summer, you think too much.”

In the moment, I was offended. However, she was right. Not only was I thinking too much (overthinking the situation), but in that thinking, I was often doubting myself. And that doubt many times led to me not making things happen in my life.

It’s Day 4 in my 10-day countdown to my 10th anniversary of my last day before becoming a full-time speaker and entrepreneur, and today, we’re tackling a common hurdle that holds many of us back—self-doubt. 

Summer Owens Day 4 10th anniversary countdown. Silence the Inner Critic and Overcome Self-Doubt.




It’s funny when I write these blog posts and I have so many examples that I have to choose which ones to share. Dealing with self-doubt is no different.

For this post, I’ll talk about when I was asked to create a course for my alma mater based on my journey.

When I decided to leave my amazing corporate job, I applied to be an adjunct professor for the Fogelman College of Business and Economics at the University of Memphis mainly to have some guaranteed income. Although it wasn’t much money, I knew it would cover a bill. I also wanted the satisfaction of the accomplishment of saying I was a professor. 

When I applied, I had the advantage of having just been named the Distinguished Young Alumna for the Fogelman College of Business and Economics where I wanted to teach. So they told me I didn’t even need an interview.

I taught marketing for two years before I was asked to create my own life skills and personal development course– my own college course.

Although I had already created the S.O. What! Literacy, Life Skills, and Character Education curriculum, I was nervous and honestly didn’t think I was good enough to create my own college course. 

But it was the dean of the college who asked to meet me and wanted ME to create the course, and he wanted my memoir to be a part of it. 

When the academic review board came back to me after reviewing my curriculum and asked me to incorporate a conflict resolution textbook and make other changes to my curriculum, I was proud of myself because I said no. I had doubted myself initially. However, the data showed the impact of the high school version of the curriculum which was the foundation for the college version and knew the changes they wanted would not get the results they wanted me to have with students. I told them that I didn’t have to teach the course and, in fact, wouldn’t with those changes. I knew the power and potential in what I had created in spite of the self-doubt I initially felt.

The review board came back to me and asked me to teach the course exactly like I wanted to teach it. And to start immediately.

I taught the course for three years until my traveling speaking schedule conflicted too much. In that time, I was amazed by the feedback I got from my students, and I laughed at the self-doubt I felt when I was initially asked to create the course.

Overcoming self-doubt starts with recognizing that it’s merely a product of fear and negative self-perception. The good news? You have the power to change that narrative. It’s time to rewrite the script and become your own biggest supporter.

So, your challenge for today is to identify one negative self-belief or self-doubt that you struggle with. It could be something like “I’m not smart enough” or “I’m not deserving of success.” Once you’ve identified it, replace it with a positive affirmation that counteracts that belief. Repeat this affirmation daily and watch as it transforms your self-perception.

Remember, you are capable, worthy, and deserving of pursuing your dreams. Embrace self-compassion, practice positive self-talk, and surround yourself with people who lift you up. By silencing the inner critic, you’ll create a foundation of confidence that will propel you toward your goals.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post, where we’ll discuss the importance of taking action and persevering. Get ready to turn your dreams into reality through consistent effort and unwavering determination!


Day 10: Embrace Your Vision

Day 9: Cultivate a Resilient Mindset

Day 8: Harness the Power of Self-Belief

Day 7: Goal-Setting

Day 6: Embrace Failure

Day 5: Surround Yourself with Support