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S.O. What! I’m Single

With another Valentine's Day upon us, we are bombarded with messages of love, and many people who are companionless, like me, tend to feel down. Well, at 34 years old I have only had a significant other for ONE Valentine's Day in my life.…

Entry without preview image

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Who Sees You?

Growing up, I had so many insecurities. First, I didn't have enough hair for ponytails so people called me a boy. Second, I had big teeth and sucked my thumb so people called me a rabbit. I was skinny so people called me to stick. And…
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Distinguished Young Alumna…I’m on the field again

Distinguished Young Alumna...I'm on the field again Almost 12 years ago to the day, I was named the Miss University of Memphis. I stood on the field of the Liberty Bowl and was shocked when they called my name the winner. Me, yes, teen…
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Numb and Fine are the Same, Right?

Last night I finally got to watch my recorded episode of Scandal. I had been traveling for the past two weeks and missed the one and only show I watch faithfully. My son and I took a road trip to Kentucky where we spent Thanksgiving with…
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Slow Down, Baby. You’re Moving Too Fast.

Last night, I put in about two. Today, it seems like I worked it all day only taking breaks to eat and to have a couple of meetings.  What is it? Online driving school. After my last day at FedEx, I spent the next six weeks traveling with…
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Standing in the Gap

Here's a post from 11/20/11 Just getting home from picking my son up from work and have him watching a show on black men in prison-yes, at midnight. It's sad how the world and so much foolishness seem to have greater influence than parents. …
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On the Move!

Check out this post from 11/16/11 Since releasing my book, I have been busy...to put it lightly. On the move as Entrepreneur and that's only because God is blessing me tremendously and keeping me going. He's keeping me in people's lives, and…
I'm transferring my blog over to Wordpress and moving over my old posts... check this out from 12/22/10 I made some mistakes three years ago and inadvertently hurt someone I love dearly.  The next few years were filled with them covering…