Summer shares a lesson learned on how to prepare for a new beginning.
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Preparation for a New Beginning

Starting college was an exciting and scary time in my life which marked a new beginning in my life. I would be moving away from the familiar to start the next stage of my life with my son. In fact, I only knew two friends from my high school…
Summer shares a lesson learned on how to eliminate excuses and succeed in life.
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Eliminate excuses and decide to succeed in life

Success is a choice. It’s not for lucky people. Success is for those who eliminate excuses and decide to succeed in life. If you’ve been following my story, you know how hard it was for me to raise my son while still going to school and…
Summer shares a lesson learned on two ways to live a fulfilling life as a single mother.
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2 Ways To Live A Fulfilling Life As A Single Mother

I wanted to live a fulfilling life where I could take care of myself and my son without struggling. I wanted to go to college as I saw that as a ticket to a different life. During my high school graduation, there was an awards day when the…
Summer shares a lesson learned on how to be a strong and successful single parent.
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How to be a strong and successful single parent

As a young parent of 15 years, I wondered if I would succeed and if I would ever be a strong and successful single parent. You see, young mothers are busy caring for their children. It’s a hard job. It gets even harder if you don’t have…
Summer shares a lesson learned on dealing with disappointment.
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3 Ways to deal with disappointment in your life

As a 15-year-old mother, I had to deal with disappointment a few times. If you’ve been following my story, you’ll remember that I made a choice to let a boy I didn’t know touch me. He took things further than I wanted and as a result I…
before you ask for help: Summer shares a lesson learned helping yourself first.
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Before You Ask For Help, Do This One Thing

Getting help is wonderful. But before you ask for help, exhaust your own resources. There is so much you can do for yourself. You can make a plan for your life, you can decide to stay in school and work hard. You can choose to have a positive…
Summer shares a lesson learned from her resources and tips for supporting young parents.
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4 Resources and Tips for Supporting Young Parents

At this point in my story, I was a sophomore in high school and working two jobs to help me take care of my son. I share four resources and tips for supporting young parents. Spend money wisely (create a budget) A budget helps you…
2020 Milestones

Before we leave 2020…

Before we leave 2020, a year full of devastation for so many I want to share a message I think is important. People I love lost people they love, and I even witnessed my aunt take her last breath and can't get that image out of my head. I've…
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A Focus on the Future After a Year of Loss and Lessons

2020 represents a lot of loss for me, as it does for many others. It also represents a year where I was reminded of just how creative, flexible, compassionate, and resourceful I can be and how the lessons from my past can help me focus on the…