This is Big! You are Going to Want to Share This (I Certainly Hope So)!

When I published my first book in 2010. I thought it would help a few teen mothers who might stumble across it and encourage them and actually show them how to graduate from high school, go to college, and beat the statistics. That's it. Just…

How I Survived My First Two Years as an Entrepreneur

Twice last year when my bank accounts were pretty close to zero, I was offered jobs. Big jobs with nice salaries. Never in my life had I been offered jobs that I had not even applied for. The money was enticing and even the jobs were positions that I would enjoy and could do well, but I respectfully declined...

The Journey Back Home…2 weeks, 12 cities, and over 1200 miles.

It was difficult to leave what had been my home, my office, and my sanctuary for the past weeks. I had relaxed a lot and worked a lot too. I had met some interesting people, and I had really enjoyed some great own. For my 36th…

This Year I Didn’t Cry on My Birthday

People who read my first book know that On May 22, birthday...a guy I didn't know forced himself on me, and I got pregnant. Although I love my son dearly and joyfully celebrated his birthday each year on February 4th, my birthday…

How I Used Tax Time to Change My Life

Hope you met the deadline for filing your taxes. Better yet, hope you got a refund. I didn't. Not this year. This tax season. I was single with no dependents to claim so I joined many of my single friends who don't have kids and have been…

Grandma’s Hands

I was 15, pregnant, scared, and didn't want to be in my mother's house with my stepfather another day. Remember in my book the time when he got mad at me about the ironing board, and I ran away? Well, walked because I was very pregnant. Very…

March 20th…Coming Full Circle.

When I walked into that library, the room filled with girls who looked like I did in 1995, I felt at home. And I had no idea what new memory would be created and associated with my return visit to Jackson Central-Merry High School where I graduated…

S.O. What! to Education?

I just got off the phone with a friend whose son is constantly skipping school. He's a senior, in high school, once was in honors classes and now just doesn't seem to care about his education or his future. Is he unique? Unfortunately,…

Forget About a Resolution. Just Make Progress.

January is coming to a close, and many of us have already given up on our New Year's resolutions.  In the past, I've mentioned some "resolutions", but this year I didn't even consider it. I just know that I'm going to always take steps towards…