Tylyn Young

So What 2014 Was Wonderful. So What it Was Wretched. So NOW What?

For those of you who follow me on my various social media sites, you probably know that my life is basically a roller coaster ride with some extreme highs and some extreme lows. 2014 was no exception. This was my first full year being…
Tylyn Young

Rudolf the S.O. What! Reindeer

It's hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner. I remember the anxious feelings I had as a child watching under the bedroom door of the room that my sister and I shared. Our mom and my stepdad would make us go to bed then pull…
Tylyn Young

You’ll be impressed by what a 7th grade boy learned from Life After Birth: A Memoir of Survival and Success as a Teenage Mother

I am always humbled and honored when anyone takes the time to read my book. It is my story of becoming a mother at 15 and living and succeeding in life as a single mother. When adults read it, I appreciate the understanding and hope that they…
Tylyn Young

Say it. See it. Show It. "S.O. What!"

       ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I'm Summer Owens, and my passion is helping youth and young adults realize success no matter what obstacles…
Tylyn Young

Beauty to Ashes with Kelley Alsobrook

About a month ago, I had the honor and pleasure of doing an interview with an incredible S.O. What! woman. Kelley Alsobrook - I really appreciate her for allowing me to share my story with her listeners. Check out what we both had to say. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ashes2beauty/2014/09/20/a-beautiful-you--summer-owens   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I'm…
Tylyn Young

S.O. What! Shout Out to Dads

Shout Out to Dads   In this past week, I came across two videos that made me smile...honestly, they almost made me cry. We hear so often about all the men in the world who do not care for their children and the countless single mothers…
Tylyn Young

This Isn’t the Life I Was Supposed to Have

I posted this on Facebook yesterday, and I thought it was worth adding to my blog. I noticed in my timeline today that a lot of people are disappointed with where they are in life or how things have turned out for them. And I just want to encourage…
Tylyn Young
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Yesterday I Would Have Been Married 7 Whole Years

I didn't even think about it until I logged onto Facebook and saw my friend's anniversary pictures and remembered that she had gotten married the day after I did (the year before). What? I didn't think about it. Nope, it didn't cross my mind…
Tylyn Young

I Survived the First Year!

When I was 16 I got my first job (not counting the job I had one summer when I was 14 cleaning bathrooms at a summer camp). For two years, I clocked in and clocked out at Arby's. And I clocked in and out at the Waffle House. The summer after…