Summer Owens with FCCLA high school students holding SO WHAT posters

Embracing the Rebel Within: The Power of Resilience in Leadership

If you’ve ever been labeled a ‘rebel’, ‘bossy’, or ‘stubborn’, I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone. These adjectives, which some perceive as negatives, can actually be your superpowers when it comes to leadership. It’s about flipping the script and harnessing that rebellious energy for growth, success, and resilience.

I’ve always had a streak of the non-conformist in me. Even as a toddler, it seems I was destined to chart my own path. My mom often jokes about me being “3 going on 13”. I was not just another toddler; I was the small package with big energy, big ideas, and a bigger-than-life attitude.

As I grew older, I encountered more labels – ‘ring leader’, ‘smart (elic)’, and, of course, the good old ‘rebel’. While sometimes these labels stung and made me question my path, they also made me who I am today.

If you’ve ever been called out for being too bossy or too opinionated, I bet you can relate. But here’s the thing: these traits, while sometimes seen as disruptive or difficult, are often the driving forces behind impactful leadership. Being unapologetically yourself, challenging the status quo, and marching to the beat of your own drum are qualities that can set you apart in the vast ocean of conformity.

I believe in always finding the silver lining, even when faced with criticism or adversity. That’s why every time those seemingly negative adjectives were thrown my way, I responded internally with a fierce “S.O. WHAT!” It’s a mantra that’s kept me going and encouraged me to transform perceived flaws into strengths.

Imagine my joy when Canvas Rebel approached me to share my journey. They saw the unique blend of entrepreneurship, non-profit creation, and yes, the undeniable rebel spirit in my story. It was an affirmation that going against the grain, when paired with purpose and resilience, can lead to recognition and success.

In the world of leadership, resilience is your best friend. It’s the ability to bounce back, to keep pushing forward, and to turn challenges into opportunities. As leaders, rebels, and trailblazers, we have the innate capability to use setbacks as setups for comebacks. That ‘rebellious’ energy can be the spark that ignites innovation, fosters creativity, and drives impactful change.

To all my fellow rebels out there, I urge you to embrace your unique qualities. See them not as barriers but as badges of honor. Let them propel you to new heights in leadership and innovation. Most importantly, always remember that resilience in leadership comes from knowing who you are, owning it, and using it to make a difference.

So the next time someone calls you ‘bossy’ or ‘rebellious’, wear it as a badge of honor. Because these are the traits that define resilient leaders who leave an indelible mark on the world.

Check out the story here.