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Ignite Resilience with Summer Owens in Women’s History Month

As we bid farewell to the empowering month of Women’s History, it’s time to shift our focus back to saying S.O. What! That means honing in on solutions over problems and mastering the art of resilience.


A Lesson in Resilience: Athens, Georgia Edition

Last year, I had the incredible opportunity to address my largest audience to date – 3,000 student leaders in Athens, Georgia. I won’t lie; I was nervous. But the lessons from my online Confidence Class kicked in, empowering me to deliver a presentation that not only earned a standing ovation but also garnered amazing testimonials. 


Commitment Beyond Women’s History Month

As we look ahead, I want to emphasize that my commitment to empowering others and fostering resilience and leadership extends far beyond Women’s History Month. I offer a range of signature programs designed to inspire, motivate, and ignite you and your teams.


Explore Signature Programs

1.The Resiliency Resolution: Winning with Whatever Cards You’re Dealt

A program focused on building resilience and overcoming challenges, guiding students to thrive in the face of adversity.


2. The Unlikely Leader: From Imposter to Impactful

An empowering journey teaching students to harness their unique qualities, make a positive impact, and overcome doubt and imposter syndrome.


3. Customized Presentations

Tailored to your specific goals and objectives, ensuring content resonates with your students and aligns with your institution’s mission.


Let’s Start a Conversation

I’m excited to start a conversation about how we can collaborate to build more resilient teams and individuals in your world. Whether it’s a tailored presentation, a focused program, or an ongoing partnership, let’s explore the possibilities together.


Reach out now and let’s embark on a journey of resilience, confidence, and impactful leadership.


Cheers to igniting resilience beyond Women’s History Month!