
Jermaine Swagerty S.O. What! Success Story
One thing in life that we all need is SUPPORT.
And that comes in different forms from different people. It’s hurtful when it doesn’t come from where you expect it, but it’s beautiful and encouraging when it comes from unexpected places.

Chapter 39- Celebrate Your Life While You Have It
If you've been following my blog for any amount of time or just know my story, then you know my birthdays are "special". Y
es, everyone's birthday is special, but my birthday is also the anniversary of the day I got pregnant by someone I did…

5 Lessons Learned from Losing Two Friends Under 40
At this moment, I am 19 days from my 38th birthday and a little more than two years from my 40th birthday.
I pray that I will be blessed to see it on May 22nd because two of my friends did not.
Last weekend I had the sad occasion of attending…