
SO What is Character Education?

After focusing on literacy and life skills for the S.O. What! Literacy, Life Skills, and Character Education curriculum. I began research specifically on how character education. I knew that getting students to read and to read better was…

Life Skills for Students to Succeed

Why are life skills important for students? One of the greatest honors of my life has been using my story as a teen mom to teach life skills (as well as literacy and character education) to students through the S.O. What! Literacy, Life Skills,…
Summer Owens holding first copy of her memoir

Sharing My Life Story Changed My Entire Life

Okay, I can admit it. I cried. If you're a parent, do you remember the first time you held your child? You'd waited months for that moment to see and hold that "thing" that had just been an idea or how it would actually look and feel…