
From Just Surviving to Helping Others Survive: Wanda Taylor S.O. What! Success Story
Starting a business is not easy. I learned this when I started both an LLC and a 501(c)(3) organization. But in the learning process, I’ve met some incredible people. At a workshop on bookkeeping for nonprofits, I was amazed by the lady who…

Dr. Beverly Bond S.O. What! Success Story
No, I did not get excited when I signed up for an 8 am history class every Tuesday and Thursday morning.
I was not a morning person nor a history-lover.
Although Dr. Beverly Bond did not make it easy for me to get up early, she did make…

Serial Entrepreneur LeShane Greenhill S.O. What! Success Story
When you leave home after high school on whatever path you choose, you have no idea who you’ll meet along that path. LeShane Greenhill was a fellow business major so I saw him in the business building often at the University of Memphis, and…