
Antonio Taylor
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Antonio Taylor Resilient Journey from Fatherhood to VP | S.O. What! Success Story

Be the Bag! Don’t chase it! Whew! Powerful words to live by from a man who eats excuses and uses them to make him stronger to help others. Recently, I had the opportunity to give a company-wide keynote and then a leadership training…
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Do you allow yourself to be vulnerable and transparent?

Do you allow yourself to be vulnerable and transparent?     I do. I've now spoken to hundreds of audiences. Several thousand individuals. But last week I had my biggest audience to date. About 2000 students, and if you ever…
Barbara Teicher
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Barbara Teicher: S.O. What! Success Story

There’s not much that really shocks me. But learning of the bicycle accident of my friend (Barbara Teicher) while she was in France certainly did. I had last seen her at the National Speakers Association’s annual conference. We laughed…
Darrell Cobbins
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Darrell Cobbins: S.O. What! Success Story

Cool, calm, and collected. When I think of Darrell Cobbins those are the words that immediately come to mind.  In addition to professional, inspiring, and just cool. All of which I had the privilege of experiencing as a fellow University…
Greg Caesar
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Greg Caesar S.O. What! Success Story

What are some of the positive moments in your life that you’ll never forget? One of those moments for me was when as a teen mother I stood on the football field at halftime during the University of Memphis homecoming game in October 2000. And…
Joann Massey
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Joann Massey S.O. What! Success Story

People don’t have to support you.  That was very apparent to me as a young mother and even more apparent when it really got tough raising a teenager. But it also became painfully apparent when I became an entrepreneur. Then, someone,…
Andy Dolich
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Andy Dolich S.O. What! Success Story

It seems like it was just yesterday that I landed my first job out of college. It was with the Memphis Grizzlies in their inaugural season in Memphis. Well, it was actually 20 years ago. But I remember so many details very vividly including…
Judge Robert "Butch" Childers
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Judge Robert “Butch” Childers S.O. What! Success Stories

If never judge a book by its cover was a person, it would be Judge Robert "Butch" Childers. I met Butch when I joined the University of Memphis National Alumni Association Board of Directors five years ago. He became the board president the…
Frank Scott
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Mayor Frank Scott S.O. What! Success Story

Have you ever met someone and immediately thought, “He (or she) is going to do something pretty amazing one day.”? Well, as a college student, I met Frank Scott who was also a college student. But his poise and professionalism were different…