
Don't Rush the Ring

Don’t Rush the Ring

A ring is just a symbol of what can be a very beautiful union when it's done right. But when it's done wrong, or done in a rush or under pressure, it can be a very ugly and painful situation with long-lasting consequences.
Don't Rush the Ring

Divorce. 10 Years Later. 5 Lessons Learned From One of My Biggest S.O. What!’s

June 9, 2007,  I walked down the aisle and my last name changed. So did everything about my life. And my son's. I had been a single mother for 12 years, and I was pretty proud of how I managed to provide a good life for myself and my son…
Don't Rush the Ring
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Time to Learn to Sew…Make a Stitch. Save Nine.

...ignoring it, pretending it didn't exist, thinking it wasn't as bad as I already knew it was, thinking it would fix itself, or just moving on to the next thing.