
Empowered Love: Inspiring Resilience and Confidence Beyond Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine's Day! 🌹 Isn't it just wonderful to celebrate love, especially when it comes in the form of powerful women? Today, I want to share a heartwarming experience that truly made my heart swell with admiration and resilience.

The Most Important Person to Love
I can remember being in high school seeing girls getting flowers and stuffed animals at school on Valentine's Day.
In college, more of the same. My friends often got gifts and went on dates, but I didn't.
Sometimes it bothered me, but most…

Don’t Rush the Ring
A ring is just a symbol of what can be a very beautiful union when it's done right. But when it's done wrong, or done in a rush or under pressure, it can be a very ugly and painful situation with long-lasting consequences.

My S.O. What! Valentine’s Day Proposal
Ignoring me, he got on one knee and grabbed my left my hand fully removing the big chocolate candy I was about to complain about him taking. It was actually a black ring box. My mouth dropped, and my heart started to beat out of my chest.