Odell Bizzell

Doesn’t it feel good when you meet someone doing the same thing as you and they immediately cheer you on and offer real help? I met Odell Bizzell as part of the National Speakers Association a few years ago but really got to know him when I joined ForCollegeForLife, the college speaking agency that represents us.

He has a smile that rivals mine – big teeth, big smiles to represent big hearts :), but collaboration and support are what he’s about. As a speaker coach as well as a speaker, Odell Bizzell is changing lives left and right and I’m grateful to be a part of his circle.

In this episode of S.O. What! Success Stories learn the powerful story behind his name and be inspired to find and develop your high-income skill and remove all limits from your life.

Remember, new S.O. What! Success Stories will be posted each week so please subscribe to my YouTube channel and don’t miss a single episode of these inspiring interviews!



S.O. What! Success Stories with Summer Owens is a series of casual conversations with overcomers about real life and resilience. Guests share their stories including some of the challenges they faced on their journeys to success. In each conversation, Summer breaks down the S.O. What! Success System and how implementing each of the elements leads to success in the face of even the greatest adversity.


Overcome Obstacles + Eliminate Excuses + Calculate Choices = S.O. What! Success

Learn more about Summer and how she helps individuals and organizations achieve S.O. What! Success.


Interested in having me speak to your group or at your next event? Just contact me, and get ready to say, “SO WHAT!”.

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