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Rooted in Memphis, Built on Resilience: The Cortney Richardson Story

In this episode of S.O. What! Success Stories, I had the honor of speaking with Cortney Richardson, CEO of Peer Power Foundation and a proud University of Memphis alum. Cortney’s journey is a powerful testament to resilience, leadership, and…
Ekundayo Bandele
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Ekundayo Bandele: S.O. What! Success Story

When the artist becomes a businessman a beautiful creation and asset to a city is born. Ekundayo Bandele has always known he was an artist, a creator. Since I’ve lived in Memphis, I have heard his name and admired his work. Ekundayo Bandele…
Darrell Cobbins
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Darrell Cobbins: S.O. What! Success Story

Cool, calm, and collected. When I think of Darrell Cobbins those are the words that immediately come to mind.  In addition to professional, inspiring, and just cool. All of which I had the privilege of experiencing as a fellow University…
Your Happiness Your Choice: Summer Owens on fox 13
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Your Happiness Your Choice

I've been working on a new keynote, and I'm so excited about the impact I believe it will have on helping others to be more resilient. And even happier with life. It comes down to two choices- Accept it (SO What!) or Change it (So NOW…

Proud to Be a Memphian #MLK50

Today is a huge day for the city of Memphis. I am with my 96-year-old grandmother in Jackson, but she was living in Memphis on this day 50 years ago. She recalls being at the laundromat the moment Dr. King was shot and killed. She talks about…