
Summer shares a lesson learned from her memoir on how to learn from the past
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Learn from the past. Don’t dwell on it.

“Learn from the past and don’t dwell on shortcomings” has been a major lesson for me throughout my life. As I continue sharing the lessons learned that I wrote at the end of each chapter of my memoir, Life After Birth, I reflect on…
Young Summer Owens now on a mission to stop bullying
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They Called Me Boy and Beaver: 3 Tips to Stop Bullying

When I decided it was time for me to share my story of how I became a teen mother yet beat the statistics, I began to reflect on my life. And how I got to a place where my self-esteem was so low that I felt that just because this boy told me…

Celebrating an Anniversary – 10 Years After Sharing My Secret Story

When you think about celebrating an anniversary, we usually think of happy occasions like marriage anniversaries or work anniversaries. We also think about anniversaries we don’t necessarily celebrate but do remember like the loss of loved…

20 Years Later. A Teen Mom Homecoming Achievement.

Have you ever achieved something that you didn't even consider pursuing because you didn't even know it was a "thing." Well, here's my teen mom homecoming achievement. 20 years I did just that when I was named Ms. University of Memphis 2000-2001. Teen…
teen mom

20 Years Later. 4 Lessons Learned as a Teen Mom High School Graduate.

May 23, 1997 marked the end of my high school career and the beginning of my adult life. I was armed with a high school diploma...and a two-year old son. I had no idea that what had been the hardest part of my life up to that point would define…