Shelia Chatman
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Empowering Minds with Resilience: Shelia Chatman S.O. What! Success Story

Have you ever experienced someone else making you see that you have something amazing.
Something that can impact thousands of lives in so many ways.

I met Shelia Chatman when she asked to meet with me after discovering my first book, Life After Birth: A Memoir of Survival and Success as a Teenage Mother. 

She was an elementary school professional school counselor and immediately identified how my book would help her students. Through not only identifying with my challenges with bullying in elementary school but also going through puberty and transitioning to middle school and much more, she told me her students looked forward to the reading group she created with her fifth graders- girls AND boys.

Shelia Chatman showing me how aligned to higher learning standards for English Language Arts and how much students loved reading my book led to the creation of the S.O. What! Literacy, Life Skills, and Character Education curriculum that has now been used by thousands of youth from 5th grade through college.

One of my biggest supporters, Shelia Chatman has her own powerful S.O. What! Success story. I’m honored to have befriended her on my journey and that, now in Houston, she is still supporting my curriculum and getting it to more and more youth!

Remember, new S.O. What! Success stories will be posted each month. Subscribe to my YouTube channel, and don’t miss a single episode of these inspiring interviews!

Interested in having me speak to your group or at your next event? Just contact me, and get ready to say, “SO WHAT!”.


S.O. What! Success Stories with Summer Owens is a series of casual conversations with overcomers about real life and resilience. Guests share their stories including some of the challenges they faced on their journeys to success. In each conversation, Summer breaks down the S.O. What! Success System and how implementing each of the elements leads to success in the face of even the greatest adversity.


Overcome Obstacles + Eliminate Excuses + Calculate Choices = S.O. What! Success

Learn more about Summer and how she helps individuals and organizations achieve S.O. What! Success.

Interested in having me speak to your group or at your next event? Just contact me, and get ready to say, “SO WHAT!”.

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