
The Confidence to Go For Your Dreams
Do you ever think back on situations in your life and laugh at yourself about what you were scared to do then?
For me it was my late 20's and I refused to wear a swimsuit (and definitely not a bikini). One of my sisters lived in the Miami…

Persevere to the End
Today as I celebrate my 42nd birthday, I also reflect on my 15th birthday when an incident that happened so fast changed everything about my life.
And made me question if I would be successful.
What I learned in my journey, 26 years after…

10 years later. 5 More Life Lessons from My Story
Ten years ago, I shared my story and life lessons in my first book, Life After Birth: A Memoir of Survival and Success as a Teenage Mother. I had no idea then what would happen when I told it. A new chapter in my life started back then. And…

Single Moms: Keep Your Dreams Alive
Single mothers out there, keep your dreams alive because God fulfills them.
By the time I went to graduate school to study for my MBA, I had already achieved a lot in my career and life. Now, I wanted a relationship for myself and a father…

Remember this when you feel like giving up
Before finding out that I was pregnant, I had dreams.
I wanted to go to college. I wanted to be successful. I wanted a career. Then at 15 I got pregnant by a guy I didn’t know and was soon a single, teenage mother. If you have found yourself…

Exploring Relationships As A Single Parent
At some point I was exploring relationships because I wanted my son to have a father figure in his life.
I had been a teenage mother from the time I was 15-years old. I’d also been raising my son alone as a single mother for years. I wanted…

Parenting Tips for Single Parents
Being a single parent comes with its unique challenges. And the parenting tips for single parents I picked up along the way, really helped me learn and grow in my role as a mother. My son Jaylan spent a lot of time with me at work. He had been…

It’s Just Temporary
Making sacrifices today with a hope to reap the reward later can be hard.
John Maxwell the leadership expert, coach and world-renowned speaker is quoted as saying, “You can pay now, and play later, or you can play now and pay later. But…

The Key to Beating Working-Mom Guilt
There’s no doubt I had to work at beating working-mom guilt early in my career.
My son had been part of my life through high school, college and even my MBA. One of my goals for my life, and his by extension, was to work hard so he could…