Summer Owens and family after Thanksgiving parade

How to Act with Appreciation and Excel in Leadership and Life

Yesterday as I drove back to my house, I asked my granddaughter what was she was thankful for. She said the expected, “my family, my friends, my home…”. I encouraged to be more specific and gave her the example, “I’m thankful for my car that has heat and provides me with a way to pick you up and spend time with you.”

On this Thanksgiving Day, I am personally reflecting on all that I’m thankful for in my life. All the things and people who have played a role in me becoming a better, stronger woman.

And I’m not just talking about the good stuff.

When I speak in colleges and corporations about resiliency in leadership and life, one of the key tips I share is to Act with Appreciation. So today, I want to encourage you to Act with Appreciation too. Then watch how your life will change. See how you can achieve more goals and overcome anything when you express more appreciation in these four areas.

Act with Appreciation for Yourself

1. Appreciate the advantages and opportunities in your life. Take time to reflect on the aspects of your life where you do not have challenges, where you have opportunities over others you know. Trust me, you have lots.

2. Appreciate the challenges in your life. You might have lots of these too. However, with every challenge, there are lessons that prepare you for greater challenges and position you to be better and stronger. Think about what you’ve gained from tough times in your life.

Act with Appreciation for Others

3. Appreciate those who support you. Even when we feel like the support is lacking or that it doesn’t come from those we feel should, we all have supporters. We might have to think hard and not focus on the hurt of those who don’t to realize who does, but supporters exist for all of us. How can you show more appreciation for them?

4. Appreciatie those who don’t. And oh yes, there are people in our lives who don’t support us. Sometimes that stings. Sometimes it is perplexing, but some people in our lives just won’t be what we need them to be. Appreciate their doubt and lack of support by allowing that to motivate you to be even greater.

So what are you thankful for today?

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